Tuesday, June 24, 2008


Times of Swailand

20 June 2008

All you need to know about the registration process
Voter registration closes Sunday

MBABANE - It is just three days to go before the Voter Registration closes.

Many people have come up with a number of questions re­garding the voting process. We bring you some of these ques­tions and answers to help your voter registration to be easier.

1.WHAT IS VOTER REGIS­TRATION? It is a way of showing your interest in participating in the election process and choosing a government of your choice or being part of that gov­ernment.

2. WHY DO I HAVE TO REG­ISTER? To be able to participate in the elections as a voter or as a candidate you need to register. This also assists the Elections and Boundaries Commission to be able to know the size of the electorate (voter register).

3. WHO SHOULD REGIS­TER? All Swazis who have at­tained the age of 18 and perma­nent residents or temporary residents who have legally been resi­dent in Swaziland for not less than five years and have the necessary proof of documentation.

4.WHERE SHOULD I REGISTER? For the 2008 national elec­tions the Elections and Boundaries Commission in conjunction with the Regional Administrators and tradi­tional leaders have established ac­cessible registration points in all the chiefdoms and designated areas.

5. WHAT DO I CARRY TO REGISTER? Bring along your national ID card, travel document or a valid driver's licence. If you do not possess any of the above documents, register at your chiefdom where competent wit­nesses will available to identify you.

6. HOW DIFFERENT IS THE CURRENT REGISTRATION PROCESS FROM THE PREVI­OUS? The current registration system requires that your thumb print and photo be taken, unlike in the past. After registration you will receive a portable voter card with your picture which is proof that you have indeed registered.

7. CAN I REGISTER IN A DIFFERENT STATION AND VOTE IN ANOTHER? Yes, but when you register indicate where you want to cast your vote so that your name can be transferred to that Inkhundla using approved Form 6. It is however encouraged that you register at your Umphakatsi if you can.

8. IS IT POSSIBLE TO REG­ISTER IN TWO DIFFERENT CENTRES? It is not allowed to register in more than one centre but it is possible as the system is manual at the registration centres. However, when the registration forms come back to the EBC of­fice, the information will be com­puterized and any person who registered twice will be identified and handed over to the police.

serves to identify the registered person biometrically. The thump print is attached to your photo in the system.

10. CAN I REGISTER ON BEHALF OF ANOTHER PER­SON? A Definite NO! A person has to go in person to register. Re­member you need to have your thumb-print and photo taken when registering hence no one can register on your behalf.

11. WHAT IF I REGISTERED AND MY PHOTO OR THUMB PRINT WAS NOT TAKEN? Please get back to the station where you registered and have your photo and thumb print taken be­cause without that your registra­tion is incomplete.

12. CAN I REGISTER TO VOTE AND STAND FOR AN ELECTION IN AN AREA WHERE I RESIDE EVEN THOUGH I BELONG TO AN­OTHER CHIEFDOM? If you are a S wazi over the age of 18 who has resided in a certain area for more than three months, you have the right to register to vote and stand for an election in that area.

13. IS IT APPROPRIATE WHEN APERSON OFFERS ME A LIFT OR GIFTS TO REGISTER ON CONDI­TION THAT I VOTE FOR HIM/HER? It is unlawful to bribe or treat people at any stage of the election process with the intention to coerce them to vote for you. Report such a person to the Police or the EBC Office.

• A person who is certified in­sane or of unsound mind.
• For an act which is a crimi­nal offence under the law of Swaziland under sentence of death or life imprisonment im­posed on that person by a court in any country or
• Is disqualified for registration as a voter under any law for the time being in force in S Swaziland relating to offences connected with elections.

15. WHAT IF I DO NOT REGISTER? You will lose your right to participate in the election of a government of your choice. You will not be able to vote or be voted for.

16. WHEN IS THE FINAL DAY OF REGISTRATION? Registration ends on Sunday, June 22.

17. IS THERE ANY PROBABILITY THAT THE REGISTRA­TION DATES WILL BE EXTENDED? Reg­istration dates will not be extended and if you still haven't registered please make use of the few days left to exercise your right.

18. HOW DO I EN­SURE THAT I HAVE BEEN PROPERLY REGKTEREDEVEN BEFORE NOMINA­TION? Avoters register will be issued in each reg­istration centre after the regjstration process where you can inspect whether you rname appears among registered voters.

19. WHAT ABOUT SWAZIS RESIDING IN OTHER COUN­TRIES? They can en­quire at their embassies in those countries they are resident in.

20. WHERE DO I ACCESS MORE IN­FORMATION ABOUT REGISTRA­TION AND THE ELECTION PROC­ESS? You will con­tinuously get more in­formation and educa­tion about the election process through the media and can also log on to www.voteSwaziland.org.sz

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